Alvarez Chiropractic and Medical Injury Center
Dr. Cooper a chiropractic physician and owner of Alvarez Chiropractic and Medical Injury Center welcomes Dr. Huffman an osteopathic physician with over 35 years of experience treating car accident patients to his medical staff at Alvarez Chiropractic and Medical Injury Center. Dr. Huffman will be an integral member of his injury medical staff and is available 24/7 to injured patients through his personal cell phone at 866-402-4250 and our telemedicine portal.
You only have 14 days to report your auto accident case in Florida and with our telemedicine portal that is as simply as opening a text message from the comfort of your own home without the long wait in a local ER or urgent care, without the excessive CT scans and unnecessary testing and without the loss of your limited PIP funds.
In addition to completing his medical record which documents your injuries which he sends to the responsible auto insurer and your attorney, Dr. Huffman completes the very important EMC report which opens up the Florida auto insurance PIP funds to the full $10,000. This helps you can get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment for your auto injuries. Your initial medical report is critical to your injury case and poor medical documentation by ERs, urgent care centers and inexperienced physicians can lead to termination of your injury care and an unfavorable settlement offer.
With over 35 years in the injury field, Dr. Huffman defends your injury case, along with your attorney, in a court of law if necessary to ensure you get the maximum settlement possible to ensure you are taken care of following the auto accident and into the future if necessary.
Once we have the medical injury report filed with the responsible insurer and your Deland auto injury attorney, you then start your comprehensive auto injury treatment and recovery right here in your local community with the best Deland auto injury clinic and our chiropractic-medical team of physicians. Alvarez Chiropractic and Medical Injury Center has everything you need to recover from your injuries under one roof. If we need additional imaging such as MRI or consults with Deland pain physicians, Deland neurologist or Deland orthopedic surgeons we have relationship with the best injury doctors in Deland, FL.