Auburndale Medical Injury Center: Auburndale Chiropractic

Auburndale Chiropractic has added a new face to their clinic; Dr. Huffman an osteopathic medical physical with over 35 years of clinical experience in car accident and whiplash medical care.

Auburndale Medical Injury Center: Auburndale Chiropractic is now the most comprehensive auto injury medical clinic in Auburndale, staffed by chiropractic and medical physicians with decades of experience in injury care.

Dr. Sundermeyer has been serving the Auburndale area for decades and is a well-known and trusted chiropractic physician here in Auburndale.  She is expanding her practice to include both medical injury services and telemedicine services so that Auburndale car accident patients can access the best of both chiropractic and medical care.

Dr. Huffman is available 24/7 to Auburndale car crash patients by calling his personal cell phone at 866-402-4250.  Through the Auburndale Medical Injury Center: Auburndale Chiropractic telemdicine portal and a simple text link to your cell phone, Dr. Huffman can issue medical injury reports to the responsible Florida car insurance, to your local Auburndale primary care physician and to your Auburndale car accident attorney all without you even leaving the comfort of your own home.

If you’ve been involved in a car crash in Auburndale and looking for the best Auburndale medical injury center near you, you’ve found us.  Call 863-968-0088 to schedule an appointment in our beautiful Auburndale office or call Dr. Huffman 24/7 on his cell phone at 866-402-4250.