Auto Accident
We treat victims of auto accident injuries which include whiplash, black pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, and more. Our friendly and professional team is proud to serve people in Vero Beach and the surrounding areas who need pain management and rehabilitation as a result of an auto accident.
We accept many different insurances. If you have a question about your particular insurance you are always welcome to give us a call and ask. We will do everything that we can to accommodate you and your particular plan.
Chiropractic care along with other treatments such as massage and physical therapy will help the healing process move quickly so that you can return back to normal.
By adjusting your spine and re-aligning your back and neck, we will relieve any pressure that is coming from those areas. When properly aligned, you will notice that you have a better functioning immune and digestive system, and your nerves are functioning optimally.
Our practice always utilizes only the best and latest technology during your recovery process. We want to make sure that these injuries do not reappear later in life and continue to cause you pain. We work hard to find the root cause of your pain and begin to heal it. We believe in the many benefits that chiropractic care can have on your body.
Recover from accidents faster with our Medical Injury Team
Motor vehicle accidents can cause significant physical and emotional trauma. At our Medical Injury Center, we are committed to helping our patients recover from motor vehicle accident injuries and return to their pre-accident level of function. Our holistic approach combines pain management, range of motion exercises, soft tissue mobilization, strengthening exercises, balance and coordination training, functional training, and psychological support. Our Chiropractic treatment facilitates recovery and long term pain relief and our Medical team is here with you every step of the way through your recovery process.
Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident Recently? Are You Aware of the 14-Day Rule?
In Florida, you are required to seek medical care within 14 days of an automobile accident, or you forfeit all the $10,000 of medical benefits that you paid for. Even if it’s minor, don’t wait before it is too late to see a doctor regarding a potential injury incurred during a car collision.
If you’ve been injury in a car accident all our Medical Doctor, Dr. Huffman, at 866-4024250 24/7 and speak to a real injury medical physician about your injuries. The call and consultation is FREE.
If you would like Dr. Huffman to report your car accident injuries to the responsible Florida auto insurer, to your car accident attorney and your primary care physician, he’ll send you a simple text link to your cell phone where you two can connect by a cell phone telemedicine visit. The responsible auto insurer pays for the telemedicine visit, and Dr. Huffman can call medications into your local pharmacy if need, all this without you leaving the comfort of your own home. Call 866-402-4250 24/7 and speak to a live injury medical physician about your injuries, remember you only have 14 days to report this injury so do it today.