If I caused the auto accident do I need to see a physician? YES! Often those who are at fault fail to report their injuries which is a big mistake. You purchased auto insurance to take care of your health after a collision, don’t deny yourself access to that insurance. Occasionally patients attempt to get treated by their private medical insurance only to find that they will deny payment leaving them with large outstanding medical bills.
If your concern is that your insurance rates will increase if you report injuries well it’s true after a collision your rates may go up, but that is not because of your injuries it’s because of the collision itself so call Dr. Huffman immediately after your collision. He’ll see you from the comfort and privacy of your own home from your cell phone, document your injuries, call in medications if you need them, and you and he can discuss if you need anything other than this one-time office visit. Remember you only have 14 days to report your injuries to a physician in Florida. Dr. Huffman is available 24/7 anywhere in the state of Florida.
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