Florida PIP reform was signed into law in the Spring of 2023 after Florida auto insurers spent millions of dollars lobbying Florida legislators and the Governor to push through reform that gutted patients and their attorneys rights.
It’s bad enough that Florida has auto insures who deny their own clients access to care, deny payments for injury claims and accuse their clients of ‘faking’ injuries, see blog: Florida’s Best and Worst auto insurer to learn who is NOT your good neighbor.
Prior to the Florida auto insurer’s win in 2023, patients and their attorneys had leverage to force the auto insurer to do what was right and legal in terms of seeing that Florida auto injury patients had access to medical care following a car accident in Florida.
Now there is much less leverage and much more push back on injured patient’s claims. It appears that Florida car insurer are going to push back on every claim and every medical treatment and therapy. In part this aggressive behavior by injured patients own car insurer, many of the Best Florida car accident attorneys are asking patients to see a medical physician as soon as possible after a car accident and have that medical physician document all injuries sustained in the car crash, issue an EMC and well as write medical orders for chiropractic care and medical orders for PT.
The first physician seen after your Florida car accident or ‘physician of medical record’ will be the physician that Florida auto insurers will challenge, so it’s important that this physician is a board certified medical physician with experience in documenting, treating and defending auto injuries in a potential law suit.