Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy is the application of Red and Near InfraRed light in very specific colors, quantities, and at specific intervals to tissue that is sick, degenerating or has been injured.

  • The absorption of this light and has been clinically proven to:
    •  increase cellular energy production
    • increase circulation
    • reduce inflammation
    • support immune function
    • stimulate cellular repair
  • These cellular mechanisms result in
    • improved muscle performance
    • increased exercise times and capacity after exercise
    • reduced pain
    • improved joint motion
    • enhanced wound healing
    • a release of certain brain compounds that positively affect mood and sleep
    • and much more.

Red Light Therapy is safe, relaxing, and has no known negative side effects.

The effects are photochemical, just like photosynthesis in plants. When the correct parameters are used, light reduces oxidative stress and increases cellular energy (ATP). This in turn improves cell metabolism and reduces inflammation.

PBM Therapy appears too good to be true as it has many applications, but really it does just one thing and it does it very well. It reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants, is critical in helping the body recover. Oxidative stress is accepted as the underlying trigger for most diseases and degenerative conditions. It is also a component in the inflammatory phase of acute and chronic injuries. Extensive research during last two decades has revealed oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn contributes to chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and pulmonary diseases.

Photobiomodulation therapy has been effectively used as…

  • a non-medical intervention for reducing recovery time resulting in athletes:
    • running faster and longer with less fatigue
    • lifting heavier weights
    • achieving higher benchmarks sooner
    • recovering more quickly from injuries
  • as a non-medical intervention for musculoskeletal conditions such as:
    • arthritis
    • muscle soreness
    • joint pain and stiffness
  • as a non-medical intervention for inflammatory conditions such as:
    • arthritis
    • fibromyalgia
    • chronic fatigue
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • psoriatic arthritis
  • as a non-medical intervention for other painful conditions such as:
    • neuropathy
    • shingles
    • shingles

Many therapies only address symptoms, without addressing the source. PBMT works at the cellular level, stimulating repair and normalizing cell function.

Unlike drugs and surgery, PBM Therapy safely and effectively promotes cell regeneration reduces inflammation and pain.
PBM Therapy

  • is non-toxic
  • is non-invasive
  • has no side effects